Thursday, October 22, 2009

Creating Fantastic Children's Rooms

Childhood is arguably the most magical time in your life. It is a time when your imagination runs wild; as a child your life is full of discovery and fun, and a new adventure awaits you around every corner. Parents of young children often say that are able to relive their own childhood through their children's eyes. Many parents do all they can to inspire their children during these early years by creating fantastic children's rooms.

Themed children rooms that create a unique and vibrant atmosphere for children can be designed using many different stylistic elements. One of the most important elements can be the way the room is painted. For example, if you have selected a nautical theme you can help create a fantastic children's room by painting the walls in bright blue colors or stripes to reflect the theme. If you have a talent for drawing, you can create a mural that depicts boats, the ocean or various aquatic animals and plants. Whatever type of nautical elements you choose for the walls, it will add to the ambiance of the room.

Once the background of a fantastic children's room is complete, you can focus on the different types of custom children's furniture to add to the room's overall effect. By selecting furniture that can be painted especially for the themed room, you can add a personal touch that your child will appreciate. This furniture can be painted with the nautical theme and you can add the children's name as well.

There are many different types of customized children's furniture you can choose from when creating fantastic children's rooms. If you are going with the nautical theme, you can select a bed that is shaped like a boat to be the centerpiece for the room. From there you can add many other unique and personalized pieces of furniture. Many pieces can be both decorative and functional. If you would like to include a piece that can hold toys, extra bedding or clothing that can also double as a seat, a custom toy chest would work great.

If a children's room is pretty large in size, you can add kids furniture such as a painted and personalized table and chair set or a nice rocking chair for one of the corners. These types of pieces will give a child a working surface for coloring or playing with their stuffed animals. A rocking chair painted with a nautical theme allows the child to cozy up in a chair that was custom created for him or her and read a book or watch television.

In addition to the main furniture elements parents can use in creating a fantastic children's room, there are many other ancillary or accent pieces that can complete the look. These could include painted wall shelves, clothes trees, flip stools and bookends. Whatever fun and unique elements are chosen, if parents take the time to create a magical atmosphere, they will be able to create a truly fantastic children's room that their child will love.

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Creating Fantastic Children's Rooms
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